Waterfall Vally

Adopt a Bycmeer Fawn

To adopt a fawn, you must first read the rules and follow them. They are not too strict or hard, so please don't try and bend them or your fawn will be readopted.

  • You MUST MUST have a web site to put the fawn on and a E-mail addy to receive your fawn's growth with. No exeptions!
  • When you recive your fawn, do not complain about apearance or anything else; you cannot have your fawn changed. If you really don't like it, I will readopt it out and you will not recive another.
  • Your site must be child-safe; no 'adult' or controversial material.
  • You must link back to the vally so that others may adopt fawns if they wish.
  • You must already have a page for your fawn working before applying. The page must follow page-making rules and must already have some sort of persona text on it.
  • Your fawn's page must have an amount of text persona that interacts with the fawn. It must also be in a setting of a vally or field or meadow or other sort of equine/bovine habitat.
  • Only 3 other animals are alowed on the page with your fawn, so long as they are not giant! Mean or big creatures will frighten the fawn.
  • You must post your adoptee's newest stage within a week of it's arival or it will be abandoned. If you requrire more time, give me the reason and if it is good you can have an extintion.
  • If you fill out a form when there are no adoptions avalable at the moment, you will be blacklisted.
  • Fill out the form compleatly!!!
  • You are required to post your fawn's genotype on it's page if you want it to breed.
  • It is illegal to readopt out fawns, they are (c) me. Do not edit them or claim them as your own.
  • Some people now prohibit head shots, but head shots are alowed for Bright pages, so long as all they are is headshots
  • Do not request spisific genotypes or lights. Genotypes are chosen randomly.
  • These are some rules for extended breeding. It is all the information you need to breed your now-grown Bycmeer.

  • Your Bycmeer must be in a bright.
  • Your Bycmeer's Bright must have at least one buck and at least two ewes.
  • The Bright must have a main page linking to all members of the Bright.
  • You may not breed the bycmeer with it's siblings, half sibling, parents or children.
  • I must have record of the Bright existing and a link to it's main page.
  • Follow the normal rules above aswell.
  • Your bycmeer and the bycmeer you are mating it with must both have their genotypes on their pages.
  • I would prefer if the genotypes of all members were listed on the Bright's page.
  • Breedings avalable: None! Do not fill out Form.

    Breeding Form
    Extended Breeding Form